Attorneys David E. Dobbs And Gregory S. Porter
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Texas heat is risky for outdoor workers

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2023 | Workplace Accidents

For outdoor workers, exposure to the elements is part of the job. This can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses, including heat stroke, in hot weather. This condition occurs when the body’s temperature regulation fails under excessive heat. It can lead to severe organ damage or even death. It is especially concerning for physically demanding tasks in high-temperature environments.

Understanding the risks, recognizing the signs and knowing the appropriate response to heat stroke is vital for the safety and well-being of outdoor workers. Employers with workers out in the heat must ensure those workers can remain as safe as possible.

The responsibility of employers in heat stroke prevention

Employers are responsible for reducing the risk of heat stroke among their workers. This includes creating and enforcing a comprehensive heat illness prevention plan. The plan could involve scheduling strenuous tasks during cooler periods, providing shaded or air-conditioned areas for breaks and ensuring easy access to cool water.

A buddy system, where workers pair up to monitor each other for heat illness symptoms, can also be effective. Gradual acclimatization should be allowed for workers new to the heat or returning after a break.

Understanding the effects of heat stroke

The repercussions of heat stroke are severe and potentially long-lasting. The condition can damage vital organs like the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. The severity of these effects can escalate as the more extended treatment is delayed, increasing the risk of permanent damage or even death. 

It’s crucial that employees who exhibit signs of heat stroke, including a high body temperature above 103°F, a rapid and strong pulse, dizziness, nausea, confusion and unconsciousness, seek immediate medical care. Workers’ compensation coverage should take care of medical bills and other expenses related to the effects.

